Saint Lucia

time frame

Time Frame

3 months from submission



$200,000 minimum Real Estate Investment

Key benefits

Key Benefits

  • High global mobility with access to over 140 countries including the UK, Schengen, Hong Kong and Singapore
  • No interview, language or residency requirement..

Saint Lucia’s rich history comes from the various people groups who landed on her shores, including the Carib people, Africans, the British, and the French. The innate charm of the island stems from its rain forest, national parks, botanical gardens, a world heritage site, Caribbean beaches, mountainous peaks, and a volcano. The Citizenship by Investment Program has been offered in Saint Lucia since 2015 and is a great option for those looking to make an investment.

Below, you can find some of the benefits of the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program, including the time frame, investment opportunities, and eligibility.

Time Frame:

3 months

Investment Options :

$200,000 Minimum of Real Estate Investment


$100,000 Minimum of Non-refundable contribution to the NEF

$300,000 National Action Bonds

Family Eligibility:

Besides the main applicant, others eligible to be added include spouse, children under 21, financially dependent children aged 30 or below , financially dependent parents age 55, unmarried siblings under 18

The Benefits of a Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment program:

  • High global mobility with access to over 140 countries including the UK, Schengen, Hong Kong and Singapore
  • No interview, language or residency requirement
  • Dual Citizenship possible
  • No taxes on worldwide income, capital gains, gift, wealth, and inheritance
Eligibility Requirements:
  • Main applicant must be at least 18 years of age
  • Clean criminal record
  • Have a good reputation and be of good character
  • Make an investment in Saint Lucia

If you are interested in learning more about the Saint Lucia by Investment program or would like assistance with your application, please feel free to reach out to Tsavorite as we would love to connect with you and to help you achieve your goals. Deciding to start the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment journey is the first step; the next stage involves teaming up with a capable company to turn this decision into a reality.